Controlling 433 MHz Remote Switches with Raspberry Pi

433Mhz module

I use at home a couple of sets of 433MHz remote-controlled power sockets to switch on and off some ambient lights. These lights are managed with a couple of tiny remote controller that used to be lost between the sofa’s cushions almost all the time. I though it will be interesting to remotely control this … Read more…

Updating Fail2ban and adding new rules

fail2ban logo

The last stable version of fail2ban contained in Raspbian stretch  is 0.9.6-2. However, newer fail2ban versions include useful functionalities, such as the possibility to use a persistent datastore to save the IPs banned. Raspbian buster is expected to include version 0.10.2-2 but this will not happen until 2019. For this reason, I decided to update the software manually. In this … Read more…

Configuring WMR89 with weeWX


My WMR88 Oregon Scientific Station unfortunately died a couple of weeks ago after almost 6 years working. I was very satisfied with this model but Oregon Scientific does not produce it anymore. The updated version, the WMR89, is compatible with the sensors of the old model but, surprisingly, their computer interfaces are completely different. Luckily some … Read more…